
Race Report: Yolande Speedy & Cobus van Zyl – Kinetic Sprint

Yesterday I teamed up with Cobus Van Zyl racing for Nevarest Jabberwock in my first Kinetic Sprint Adventure Race. The race which was sure to be super intense and quick took place at Riversands Farm, a great venue for an adventure.

Knowing we would have stiff competition from Team Red Ants and not wanting to let down my seasoned adventure racing partner I was admittedly very nervous! The 25km race was split into a 5-6km running/ trekking (*hiking) leg, 18km cycle and 500m kayak with 20 CPs(*check points) we had to find along the way.

We started with the run which was flat out (well my flat out that is). The 3 men’s teams including KeyHealth Nevarest’s Greg & Ruan and Malcolm & Jaco were soon up ahead, Team Red Ants and us neck in neck. Not being the fastest trail runner we dropped back a bit Cobus keeping the gap to the minimum with his excellent navigating skills and allowing me to cling on to his shirt for a tow.

We reached the transition zone just behind Team Red Ants and with a super quick change over we started the bike leg just ahead of them. Racing along the first single track we were surprised not to see them on our tails… Sadly as we learnt after the race they had managed to lose each other which wasted a lot of time costing them their deserved podium position as well as the close, exciting race we were expecting.

With Cobus’s spot on navigation and my more in tune cycling ability, we had a smooth and fun cycling leg coming into the last transition well in the lead.


Another quick change over (bikes quickly racked and cycling shoes flying) and we were on the dam for the +-500m kayaking leg which we negotiated quickly passing the 4 CPs.


Carrying the kayak back to the dam edge all that was left was to negotiate the final obstacle; a blowup wedge with a net on the steep entry side and climbing rope to drop down the vertical wall. I managed it without incident although not very gracefully and we crossed the line in first position.

Thanks to my team mate Cobus for a great fun, smoothly executed AR sprint. Well done to all the participants and to fellow KeyHealth Nevarest Teams for finishing 1st and 2nd on the day and overall for the series!

Thanks to our sponsors KeyHealth and Nevarest for making it possible

(*Adventure racing terms I am now becoming familiar with.)

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