
Race report: Jaco Lourens – #Warrior8

Inov8 Trail Talons: Amazing shoes, Great for technical and obstacle running, not the best for mud grip.


As an AR Athlete I was asked to enter the Team short sprint Race at Warrior because the keyhealth Nevarest Team lost a teammate because of an injury, the team sprint is a 200m long route with 9 obstacles, starting the race as a relay and then completing the whole course as a team supporting each other at each obstacle.  It was a privilege to be in a team with Greg Avierinos and Michelle Meyer, with Greg doing all the speed work and Michelle being stronger than ever, I had to give my all just to be close to their level.



At the same time, I decided to enter the Commando Elite which is a 10km trail run with 20 obstacles just to get some extra training in.


The Sunday morning started off sunny and some of the top athletes in Warrior Commando elite were already front in line to start the race. We started the race with an avg speed of 3:20 per km, which was something I’m not used to, I tried to stay behind Brandon Hulley that was in 1st place at the time, I decided to fall back a bit not burn myself out, when the obstacles started it was easy to stay close to Brandon, Anrich Zimmermann was a few seconds behind us in 3de place. I was right behind Brandon at the mud monster, next moment when I got out of the mud monster Brandon was gone, knowing there was 1km left I started pushing myself really hard to finish strong, Brandon then suddenly joined me at the 3 last obstacle, seems he took a wrong turn placing him in 2nd place and myself in 1st place. At the 2nd last obstacle with Brandon next to me, I managed to complete the avalanche obstacle on my first try when Brandon slipped and failed to complete the obstacle on his first attempt. With a bit of gap between me and Brandon, I completed the last obstacle and made my way to the finish with a 20second lead taking 1st place. Truly a great race and amazing people, a shout out to sponsors that make all of this possible, racing our hearts out for sponsors with big hearts



  • 1st Place Warrior #8 – Team Sprint
  • 1st place Warrior #8 – Commando Elite

I would definitely do the race again, it’s greatly organized and love the way it challenges your body and mind.

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