
Race Report: Alec Avierinos – Warrior Race #2

Love this race as it is a lap race and you get to do all the Obstacles twice including Iron Rig which had me worried, I made it with relative ease twice, had a harder time getting out of mud monster than usual.
I ran conservatively to not overdo the Hamstring, was surprised to find I came 2nd at the finish I was expecting 1st! I was complacent did not know I had a competitor in front of me and lost first by 3 min. Hopefully, lesson learnt and it’s nice to have another old man to race against, Well done to Andrew Martin on your Win.

9.13km Distance
1:33:17 Time 
10,13/km Pace
Elevation 807m not accurate swim stuffed this around, much less climbing
Calories 975
Moving Time 1:04:47


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